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5 Steps to Enhance User Experience through Design

5 Steps to Enhance User Experience through Design

Marketing 101

In this crowded digital marketplace, it’s important to focus on delivering the best user experience possible. Taking your visitors on a journey from initial impression right through to buying your product doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require a few fundamental things.

Understanding the Basics
In designing your digital platform, you should think about your user journey starting on your landing page and taking your visitors right through product selection to checkout. Can your customers find what they are looking for quickly and easily? Are you presenting your products and ideas with clarity? Are the aesthetics pleasing? Here are some core concepts to help you streamline your user interface and design:

  1. Less is More
    Simplicity equals clarity. Make sure you are choosing the right path for your customer to get from an entry page through to a purchase. Structure your content in a way that provides an authentic journey to your website visitor/customer. Edit. Edit. Edit. Make sure all your featured images and content support the journey and the product.
  2. Choose Your Style
    An appropriate style that complements your particular product is crucial. The style and product must be congruent. If you sell novels online, for example, think about the images you want associated with your subject matter and think about how you want your work to be perceived as soon as your visitors hits your site. Consider font and colors etc. and how they contribute to your desired aesthetic. Carry these features through to your social media presence. This is your brand.
  3. Take your Visitor on a Clear Journey
    Have your audience understand what your product is as soon as they land on your site. Then, enable them to easily access your products, learn more about them, learn more about you, and direct them clearly to checkout. Imagine you are a visitor to your own site and want to buy your product. How easy is it for you to get it? Test! Before you launch or soon after launching, ask your friends and family to go through the process and have them tell you if anything was cumbersome or confusing.
  4. Spend Time on Your Copy
    Your copy, otherwise known as your content or “words”, must be written in perfect English, with zero spelling or grammar mistakes. When writing your content, it is easy for you to overlook a few mistakes, but mistakes are easily spotted by visitors and it creates a very bad impression. Check and double-check your content before you publish it. Ask someone else to proofread if necessary.
    Style is also important so if you are not endowed with an affinity for the written word, hire a professional copywriter. After all, the words on your site are what sell your product.
  5. Know your Audience
    Optimal user design depends on your audience. You must know who your target market is and tailor your content towards them. Do you sell instructional videos on business, for example? Then a professional, formal tone for your content, theme and style is best. Do you sell children’s books? Then a youthful, fun theme and easy-to-understand content is crucial.
    The best interface design consists of various things but it all comes back to one core concept: getting your visitors to buy your end product. Have this in mind at all times and you won’t go far wrong. Remember that website design is an ongoing process and a labor of love. Be patient, take suggestions and be willing to adapt, tweak and change.